A Festivus Miracle
  • December 10th, 2018

A Festivus Miracle

We are about to begin our 10th year in the Digital Marketing business. In 2009, we started with a small staff of three in Hall Office Park, Frisco, TX. The economy was in the dumps and those first few clients were hard to come by. Fortunate for us, we are really good at what we do and our first few clients referred us into our next 10 clients. We are happy to say that 3 of the clients from our first year are still with us and 2 of our very first clients are still happy customers.

Doing Good & Doing Good Work

Seota is very generous with our time and resources. Each year we do a couple of charity projects to help the community or to help a small business climb out of a hole.

In 2018 we helped a local Frisco business avoid going under by giving them 12 months of rock solid digital marketing advice, 100s of hours of free labor and we moved them to lighting fast hosting at our expense. All of our efforts paid off and our 'charity' client is now cash flow positive and in great position to thrive in 2019.

Pick a Good Web Agency
we are almost 10 years old

10 Years in Frisco Texas

Frisco has been home for 10 years and we have seen so many changes our little town that it would take 10,000 words to detail them all.
Here are a few of the big ones over the last 10 years.

  1. Jerry World 2 opens aka The Cowboys Practice Facility - Ford Field
  2. We went from a city with a 6 hotels to 17 hotels. There is no shortage of nice places to stay in Frisco.
  3. Three new hospitals with 2 more on the way. We added one of the world's best sport medicine facilities and a Shriner's Children's Hospital
  4.  Frisco allowed bars and restaurants to stat selling alcohol after midnight. (This took more effort to get passed then you will ever know)
  5. The PGA of America agreed to move their HQ to Frisco

Do You Need A Trusted Marketing Partner

As far as we know we are the oldest digital marketing business in Frisco, TX - In the past if you hired one of our competitors, chances are they are no longer in business. If you need custom programming, SEO or a new website, trust Seota to get the job done right. On time and on budget since 2009.

Clients Love Seota Digital Marketing

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