Five Simple Marketing Tips to Improve Your Reach
  • September 1st, 2017

Five Simple Marketing Tips to Improve Your Reach

Frisco, TX is one of the fast-growing markets in the USA, and small businesses are trying to take advantage of the rapid growth. We have new restaurants, shops, and home popping up everywhere.

To get a foothold in a rapidly growing market like Frisco you have to quickly establish a good reputation with your clientele and integrate your digital marketing and offline marketing.

We are going to talk about Digital Assets and Personas. Both could be the subject of thousand-word blogs. This is a high-level overview. If you need more information, you can email us.

5 Small Business Marketing Tips That Work

These tips will work in Frisco, TX or anywhere your business happens to be. These five tips are part of SEOTA’s 87 step Digital Marketing Jumpstart.

  1. Define your perfect customer(s), in marketing, we call these Customer Personas or customer avatars. We define the persona so that we can tailor the marketing message and marketing decisions to these customers. Depending on your business, you may have one persona defined or five defined.  Personas put a name and character/personality set to your ideal clients.
    Simple Example Persona: Mary is 29 years old; she just moved to Frisco to take a job with GearBox. She ls single and lives in an apartment close to work and drives an eco-friendly car. Mary consumes most of her news and marketing information online and does not have cable t.v.. She loves Netflix, and she watches more documentaries than reality shows. She drinks coffee and eats Sushi, and PHO and loves dessert. She spends more time on Snapchat and Instagram than she does on FB, but she still uses FB.
    Marketing to Mary is easier than marketing to a category “women between 25 and 32” because now you know Mary.
  2. Once your customers are defined with personas it will be much easier to build marketing messages targeted to them. Targeting Mary in Frisco, TX, from the example above, is easy. Tip 2 is to use your personas to determine where to target your customer personas and with what type of messages and offers.
  3. Double check your digital assets. Your digital assets should reflect our customer personas. If we are marketing to personas of men over 40 you will find that you don’t need a Snapchat or Instagram account, but you better have a business LinkedIn page.
    Digital Assets: check this list of digital assets, determine which assets fit your business and then put a budget behind getting them done properly.
    Website (does it appeal to your target customer personas, is it mobile friendly, is it easy for prospects to contact you?)
    Email List: Do you have list, are you growing your list? are you emailing your list? are you segmenting your list and sending the right messages to the right personas?
    FaceBook Page: Facebook is so ubiquitous that you need to have a Facebook page no matter what, and you need to update the content at least once a week. Posting should target one of your personas. 2 out of 3 posts should be something interesting to your target market. (not self-promotion)
    LinkedIn: If you are marketing to professionals and looking for leads, LinkedIn may be right for you.
    instagram: Mostly under 30 crowds but if that is your target market, you need to be using it.
    Twitter: We are not a big fan but you may find your personas there.
    YouTube: It can be a great source of leads and promotions if used right.
    Pinterest: If you are into retail, you should be into Pinterest.
    PodCast: There are lots of ways to use PodCast to improve your business that doesn’t involve having your own podcast. Check out MidRoll
  4. Listening to your customers: We set up all of our clients on Review Fire so that they can get the honest opinions of their clients. Client feedback about what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. Some of our clients think this tool has been the #1 reason they have improved their revenue.
  5. Get more Google Reviews (Review Fire helps with this as well). We don’t like YELP. We deal with them, but we prefer to push reviews into Google or TripAdvisor or a more specific source based on the customer.
    We live in a reputation economy. Online reviews can make or break you. Don’t ignore them.

Again, we wrote this list of tips for our friends with Frisco, TX websites that are trying to grow their business and website traffic. The list will work anywhere. These tips come from our list of 87 task that are included in our Digital Marketing Jumpstart.

You will notice we left SEO off the list. SEO is like breathing; you need SEO to thrive in a digital economy. Local SEO drives traffic to your doorstep and gets the cash registers ringing.

Call us; we love to talk to people who want to improve their marketing: 972-737-2830


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