Scorpion has invested a lot into developing their CMS and they often require a 60-day notice to terminate. Check your agreement; you may have signed a minimum commitment of one year.
If you have checked your agreement, and you know you can leave Scorpion, then Seota can help. Scorpion can provide you with an export of your website, but we have found the export is almost useless to create a new website. There are three questions you need to ask when leaving the Scorpion CMS.
- What website platform do I want to move to? (we recommend WordPress in most instances)
- Do I want to keep the Scorpion design? (the tend to make designs clients like)
- Which content should I move to my new website? (we recommend all of the content, but there are exceptions)
Once you made these choices, contact Seota Digital Marketing to move your site from Scorpion to another CMS Hosting platform.