
seo intake

SEO Campaign Intake Form

  • Seota Digital Marketing SEO Worksheet

Client Information

Client Name

Name of the business

Contact telephone number of business

Business contact email

Website Information

Is the website on the Wordpress platform?

The website address (URL) of your business

Wordpress username


Additional Information

Please grant us your Cpanel Details

More Info

Can you setup a domain email for your client specifically for citation building? - Example (​listings@yourdomain.com​)?

Password for the above domain email:

Please provide the URL to login to the domain email (example ​www.baselineseo.com/webmail​) or https://login.secureserver.net/


Official Business Info

Name Of The Owner/Face Of The Business

Age of Owner /Face Of Business (some sites require this)

Name of the business. This is the official/registered name of your business and should also match exactly how it appears on your website.

The client's permanent business address, It should appear exactly as if written on a standard addressed envelope and exactly as it appears on your client's website ( this must not change)

More Info

Main phone number to be listed publicly and match the website contact number (this must not change):

What is the Business First and Foremost? (try tell us in 1-4 words)

Service Info

Does your business have a service area?

What is the radius of your service area in miles?

Does your business have set opening times?

Please list below your set daily opening times for each day in a 24 hour format. (example: 8:30-18:30) Any day you are not open please type: N/A









Discounts and specials offered (if applicable):

Your business payment options (Select all that apply):

List all your products/services, THESE ARE NOT KEYWORDS PLEASE DO NOT write a long list of things you want to rank for. Instead just tell us the actual services you offer and break these down as much as you can, the more specific the better

Please give the top 5 most relevant services for comparison against the local competition (one service per line)

Does your business have warranties?

Is your business bonded?

Is your business insured?

We tend to find the 80/20 rule applies to most businesses, what are the 20% of your business services or products that produce the 80% of the profits?

Business Description

Describe your business in UNDER100 characters (for citations):

Medium - Describe your business, UP TO 350 characters (for citations)

Large - Describe your business, UP TO 1500 characters (for citations)

Annual Revenue

Slogan/Tagline (Up to 50 characters)

Associations Participation