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  • June 18th, 2018

Micro Targeting With Facebook Ads

If you are a small business with a limited marketing budget you can use the Facebook targeting system to keep your business in front of local consumers for a little as $5 per day.To take advantage of the platform you have to know who your customer is, for each service you offer. Once you define your customer (customer persona) then micro target the customer based on the service they are likely to buy. Don’t target you whole customer base with generic offers.

Example 1:  Capitalize on local news events or local weather events:

We have a great DFW roofing company as a client. In addition to installing fantastic looking roofs they also do roof repair due to storm damage. Their customers with storm damage occasionally need a new roof.

When we have heavy rains or severe storms roll through the area we turn on an ad aimed at people who are homeowners. The advertisement specifically tries to catch the eye of homeowners who may have a leaky roof.  During the last storm our client received two phone calls. Not bad for a $10 advertising spend.

Target: Home Owners, Within 25 Miles of Business, Leaky roof advertisement during storms.

Example 2: Micro-target your audience for a specific service

One of our gynecologist clients has invested in a laser device called the MonaLisa Touch. This device specifically helps women who are menopausal and have issues with painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness and other complications in the same area.

Thanks to the very tight targeting in the Facebook ad platform we can show advertisements to affluent women over 50 that live within 15 miles of our client’s office.  We run these ads all day long and we pay per click. The ads are very effective because the women who click the advertisement are likely experiencing the issue our client can address.

Target: Women, Over 50, Within 15 Miles of business, household net worth over 100k. (the treatment is not covered by insurance)

With these two small examples in mind ask yourself these questions to get started with your own micro advertising strategy.

What specific service will you target with your ads?

Who is the ideal customer for that service? (Age, income, gender, profession, interest)

Where do they live?

Feel free to drop us an email if you need help.

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