SEO is constantly changing and we have built SEO task into a more encompassing digital marketing packages to take advantage of all of the variables that Google takes into account when ranking websites. (all the variables we know of)
There are some basic SEO task that you can do yourself, and if you do them on a consistent basis, they will help you outrank your competitors who have not hired a professional SEO team. This is not a list that will allow you to dominate your market or get #1 positions for tough keywords but you will improve your overall rankings.
How to Improve your WordPress SEO:
(this list assumes you are using WordPress)
1. Install Yoast or Other SEO Plugin
Install the free version of the YOAST SEO plugin and follow the Yoast SEO Wizard to correct your basic SEO settings. We don't use Yoast at Seota, unless the client already uses it but it is a great SEO tool for non-technical users.
- The best way to install Yoast is to login to your WordPress website and in the left nav bar click Plugins.
- In the top left of the page look for the "Add New" button.
- Search for Yoast in the dialogue box that will appear and then click Install.
- Once Yoast is installed you will get a message to Active it.
- Once Yoast is active you can navigate to is from the left nav and go thru the Wizard.

2. Edit Yoast Setting Per Web Page
Once Yoast is installed, you will need to edit each page. Use Yoast to set the Page Title for each page. The page title should follow a consistent format and be SPECIFIC to the page content, in this example I let Yoast fill in the site name and text separator. like: Frisco SEO & Online Marketing | Seota Digital Marketing
3. Repeat Step two for your blog post.
If your website is setup properly, your web pages contain your product and services (or you have custom post setup to handle). So once you are done editing your individual web pages you will do the exact same steps for your blog post. If your website does not have a blog, now is a good time to start blogging.

4. Create content for your website on a weekly basis.
This is very important. You should schedule time to create new and unique content for your target user base. This blog post is an example of such a post. This post is targeted to future clients who may not be ready or not able to afford professional SEO. the blog post is useful and it was easy for Seota to generate.
Add images to your blog post - name your images and give them ALT text that allows those with disabilities to know what the image is.
Please see our free education course on building content.
5. Promote your content via your social media channels.
Now that you have created new content, we need to get some traffic and link to the new content. The quickest way to do that is to link to the content from your social channels.
Now that you have created new content, we need to get some traffic and link to the new content. The quickest way to do that is to link to the content from your social channels. You can also send influencers with similar audience an email to share it on their social media or on their blog. You can use software such as or to find the prospects emails.
Do these five simple things and you will outrank your competitors who have not hired a digital agency.
Do these five simple things and you will outrank your competitors who have not hired a digital agency.

Bonus SEO Tip - Get Professional Content or Use Custom AI Content Tools
In addition to the content you generate yourself, budget each month to create a professional piece of content or write a professional press release.
At Seota we also use AI for first drafts of some content. It allows us to create long-form content drafts that our writers and editors can improve on by adding more data and details.